
Hello!!! My name is Martha some call me mart or Marty. I am originally from the sunny southern California but now live in Northern California where we have sun every now and then! I love coffee I am crazy about Jesus, tacos are a must. You can always find me with my head in a book! I can be goofy and quiet at the same time. I enjoy a good movie and television shows that reach as far as the 1600 Era. My family and people around me keep me laughing and smiling! Words are my favorite because you can create however you want. I try to create with my words as much as I can. Life often throws me curveballs but I like to think Jesus is making me stronger! I am so glad you decided to stop by and check out my writing. My hope and prayer is that you always leave encouraged. I write for you so that you know your not walking in this life alone! Thank you for coming along on this journey with me. Through this blog you will get to know me, you will cry and laugh, and most importantly you will meet Jesus. Once again Thank you, I appreciate you! Welcome!!